History, List Style
- Grew up in the 70s with a father who was an avid Ham Radio operator, tinkerer, gadgeteer
- Started programming when I was 10
- Turned programming into an amazing career starting in the 90s
- Finally got my Ham license in 2010 (Technician and General)
- Haven’t really done much with the Ham license until recently
What I’m Into
On the radio side right now, mostly digital voice, including DMR, DStar, Hams Over IP, and Allstarlink. I’m going to be building out an HF antenna and rig this spring. I also dabble with Meshtasic.
Computers: Linux and Mac primarily, Windows in a VM for utility purposes. I have a 3 node Proxmox cluster (that needs to be rebuilt), two NASs, Ubiquiti network, and PiHole for a clean & ad-free home network. Also a hidden easy-listening/light-rock radio station for my wife and friends.
Art & design: I work with graphic design (digital and print) at any chance I get, mostly for my wife’s business. I have a dozen unrelated graphic design projects that are on the back burner.
Work-wise, a software engineering consultant with a large aerospace company. Python is my current language of choice. Prior to that, a few decades with a large telecommunications company, with a break in the middle to work for a few years at a couple of late-90s dot-coms. I also help my wife run her amazing business on weekends.
God: A lifetime of seeking every spiritual path took me through a childhood of Judaism, 10 years of Buddhism (Tibetan and Zen), Hinduism, then eastern and western esoteric mysticism. In 2022 I finally read The New Testament, and finally found The Way. Ever since, I attend Church weekly, Men’s Bible study regularly, study The Word every morning, and strive to live a Christ-like living.
My Equipment
- Digital Voice
- TGIFSPOT 3.5 inch Nextion Hotspot, running DMR to the TGIF network
- A tiny generic MMDVM_HS OLED Hotspot running D-Star
- An OpenSpot 4 Pro running… everything (currently DMR Brandmeister and DStar). This thing is fantastic.
- A Yealink T46U connected to Hams Over IP, as well as my public VOIP provider voip.ms
- A UHF ClearNode connected to Allstar. This thing is also fantastic.
- HF
- Yaesu FT-950. Well, it’s here, just not hooked up.
- A 132′ all-band end-fed antenna.
- All the stuff that goes between. Again, just not hooked up yet.
- Handhelds
- Icom ID-52A for FM and DStar
- Radioddity GD-88 for DMR
- Radioddity GD-73 for DMR